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简介他的目标不是摘星米其林,而是一座座高山。跟随Marc Veyrat等多位名厨学习烹饪后,Emmanuel Renaut回到了他热...


跟随Marc Veyrat等多位名厨学习烹饪后,Emmanuel Renaut回到了他热爱的勃朗峰。1998年的春天,餐厅Flocons de Sel开业。在他的带领下,餐厅2001年摘得一星,2008年升至三星。

此时的Emmanuel ,不太像创造美食的厨师,更像是一个信使,试图传递尊重自然,尊重土壤、动物与人类自身的理念。




当然,他的冒险精神远不止于此,他在公主邮轮号上打造了La Mer-雷诺法式餐厅,继续将理念传递下去。


@Q:Massimo Esposito A:Emmanuel Renaut



A:40年前我就决定成为一名厨师,那时我还很年轻,14岁时就在厨房工作了。因为我很喜欢美食 ,也不精于学业,所以我必须工作,找一个对的职业并一直做下去。你知道,在14岁时要决定自己未来做什么,是相当费力的,不容易的。

onlyone游戏攻略 theone游戏

因为你希望选择一条未来的道路,并能够长久地坚持下去,喜欢这个职业,乐于其中。 关于这一点,我必须说我很幸运,我的决定是正确的。


Emmanuel 的菜品风格简约自然



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对我来说非常重要的是, 客人们能够记住我们在一起度过的一个短暂时间,对他们来说,是美好的。














Flocons de Sel的菜品


Q:你为什么会在勃朗峰开Flocons de Sel餐厅。肯定有很多地方可选,为什么会选那儿?





Q:你最爱的运动是什么? 这项运动对你的烹饪有影响吗?






Q:你在盛世公主号游轮上也有一个餐厅叫“La Mer”。在为这个新餐厅设计菜单的时候,有什么挑战吗?

A:挑战在于把我在勃朗峰的餐厅风味和在游轮上的La Mer餐厅结合起来。



这十分有趣,就像我之前说的。如果我在其中没有乐趣,我也不会做这个餐厅。我们每天都在变得更好,有很多成就感。这就是为什么我会做厨师的原因之一,每天你都期望自己能做的更好。每天都不是一成不变的,你一直在改进,在提升。当然,在La Mer的厨房里我有很好的团队,好的团队是成功的关键。


Emmanuel与 Massimo的合照



Q:So how did you decide to become a chef?

A: I decided to become a chef maybe about 40 years ago, when I was young, and I started working in the kitchen when I was 14.

Because I like eating and nice food, and I’m not good at studying, which means I have to work somewhere. So I tried to find a job that I’m obsessed with and keep it that way. Cause you know, it’s quite difficult to find a job when you are a 14-year-old young man.

I think it’s the way you choose that means a lot to you. You choose your future path and stick to it. So I’m glad that I made a good choice. More importantly, I think you must choose the job in which your passion lies. Meeting the right people is the best thing ever in my life, because in the kitchen you have to find some good colleagues, and I’ve met so many nice people during the time that I worked in the kitchen. we together are like a new family. So I’ve been a chef for 40 years.

Q:What is your most important moment on your professional life? We guess you have a lot anyway.

A:It is a quite difficult question, because, everyday is important. I think the most important and best thing for me is that the guests say thank you to me.

You know, we try our best to create a nice time, a wonderful moment for the guests. More importantly for me is that they can think of the time we spend together, hopefully a good moment for them cause life is quite difficult now. If you look at the TV, if you look at newspapers, bad news is being reported everyday. When you spend a little time around the table, you are always with nice people, because you choose to do it. What’s more, when you go into a restaurant, of course the food is really important, but the more important thing is the best thing for you, your friend, your wife. You know, I have a restaurant, we have guests sitting around the table everyday, some people may only come to my restaurant once a lifetime, because they come from a long way. Though I can see them only one time, it’s precious that they can remember me one time maybe 20 years later. When we are old, we remember the meal we had one day together. It is a very nice thing.

Q: What do you think about the job now, comparing the idea you had in the beginning. Anything changed in your perspective?

A: So many things, of course. When you start in the back kitchen, you peel potatoes all day long. It’s different. But it is the same passion. The point is to share something with somebody else.

So, for you, the most important thing is the passion you put in the job when you do it and to share with them.

I tell all my stuff. I have pleasure every morning to going the kitchen. If one day, I don’t want to, I am not the same person, If the day I am not really happy to go the kitchen to do some new dish, to have a good fun with them. then I stop, I give the key to somebody else. All my stuff know that.

We work, we have a small restaurant, it is a nice family. When I am not anymore this passionate, I give the key to someone else.

Q: Do you have any suggestions to the new generation of chef? The generation that comes up?

A: Everything is so quick. They know way more than us. Before, when you wanna do a recipe with another chefs, you don’t send the e-mail, you don’t search with Google, you have to look. You know, when I start being a chef, I start at 7 O’clock in the morning and I finish at 1 O’clock. All the day, you have to slice and you have to peel . The more you work, the more you learn.

Now, there exist some ready-made recipes, but you also have to work hard, to improve with the chef. Sometimes you already know the recipe, but you have to do 100, 200, 300 times, after that you could be better and understand more of the recipe. Because at the beginning, you copy the recipe, but you don't know much about it and I think the young chefs, they are better than me, they would try so many things before they make up their minds. They have to understand the recipe and they have to understand the root of the recipe.

Q: Wonderful. Why did you open your restaurant Flocons de Sel in the Mont Blanc, you must have plenty places to choose. Why there?

A: I love mountain. If I am not chef, I would still be around Mont Blanc. Before being a chef , I knew exactly where I would live. Because I near from Paris, but I love the mountain, and you know, when you have a few passion, mountain and kitchen, you can mix together. It is amazing. It is why I organize around Mont Blanc.

Q: What is your favorite sport and dose it have any influence in your food.

A: of course I love sports. I do a lot of sports, like walking in the mountain, doing some ski racing. You know, when ski racing, we go down the slop for 1 minute. I think it is interesting. You take out everything for 1 minute. When you are in the service, it’s the same way. You start from the first service to the last dish. It is like a competition. So you have to be. If you do something wrong at the beginning, it is not good at the end.

You have to be square from the first minute to the last minute.

Q: As you said before, we were not exposed like today. we just learn and catch information by our eyes.

Today things are different, we have so many celebrity chefs, there are TV programs, internet and all kinds of social media. So what do you think is the new trend of the kitchen?

A: I think we are very lucky to have so many things. But I think one thing we cannot forget : where we are from? What do we do?

We are only chef. We do only food. Only cook. We are not surgeon. We don’t save life. We have to focus on what we do, and do our best.

Q: And we know it is a fantastic place. We also know you have a restaurant in Majestic Princess called La Mer. So which is your big challenge when you have to do the menu of this new restaurant.

A: Mixing the styles of my restaurant in the Mont Blanc and of La Mer is a big challenge, and it is not the same situation when you do in the bistro in the land.

So it is nice to have a good mix with the flavor to bring a little bit of my food in the Ship. It is interesting, it’s like I do before. If I do not have a good fun in kitchen in La Mer, I don’t do that. It is a good fun for me. Everyday, we are getting better. It is why I want to be a chef, you expect to become better everyday. It is not fixed, when you have recipe, you have to improve. We have nice guys in the kitchen, it is good to have a good team.

I am a chef but I like to teach something else. You know, we can’t be alive forever, so we have to pass on something.



